Responsible Riding

During what is shaping up to be the most significant bike booms in our sport’s history, we continue to hear about and witness firsthand less than stellar trail etiquette. The significant increase in trail traffic, the rise of new trail users, and lack of awareness about proper etiquette are a recipe for conflict and accidents.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with and follow the rules of the trail so you can do your part to prevent unnecessary collisions and misunderstandings.

1) Bikes yield to all other user groups on multi-use trails, no exceptions.
2) The descending rider yields to the uphill rider.
3) Ride in control.
4) Announce your presence to other trail users.
5) Use a bell, especially in busy areas or days of the week.
6) Be polite.
7) Ride open, legal trails.
8) Keep singletrack single by not cutting switchbacks or riding off trail.
9) Obey closures and other rules and trail designations.
10) Pack it in, pack it out. Please don’t litter.

To learn more about responsible riding, click here.